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Posted By Ivandrea Ollero on 02/20/2019

Top 6 Eco-Friendly Benefits That Modular Homes Can Have

Top 6 Eco-Friendly Benefits That Modular Homes Can Have

Prefab homes, now called modular homes, acquired a bad name in the last century. Today, a lot of people are turning to this type of home since its demand went really high because of its latest features in green architecture and technology, including net-zero emissions, insulation, rainwater systems, solar panels, and the usage of recycled materials. 

A modular building comes into pieces and is partly assembled in a factory to strict specifications, then is brought to its permanent site. This home has several significant factors why modular buildings help city planners and the same professionals turn the footprints of the built environments into a green world. So if you are planning to purchase a modular home, you may want to take a look at why modular homes are the green future.

Reason #1: Waste Control 

This is probably one of the best benefits of having a modular home. Since modular homes are built in factories as stated by specific measurements, there’s no need for overproduction of materials, which lessens building waste significantly. 

The prefabrication of beams, frames and other parts is capable of reducing waste by 52%. 

Modular homes are installed according to strict guidelines, so basically, they reduce waste on site. Renovation and construction waste regards for around 40% of landfills, and with how modular homes lessen this become a major plus for eco-conscious homeowners. 

Reason #2: Lesser Carbon Emissions 

Construction companies that are environmentally-minded are consistently exploring for ways to reduce emissions. For instance, in England, statistics reveal that energy and fuel usage on building sites accounts for 33% of overall emissions in the building sector. 

The great thing despite this is that the use of modular buildings can help lessen that percentage. This is because modular homes can be built in a significantly shorter time than conventional structures, reducing the harmful environmental effects of the construction site itself. 

Reason #3: Affordable Energy Consumption 

Want to have smaller energy bills? With self-sufficient modular homes, did you know that they can reduce a household’s energy consumption by up to 72%? Just imagine how your energy bill would look like if it was almost three-quarters smaller? 

This is possible because self-sufficient modular homes are commonly powered using solar panels, so they can reduce the energy from the regular grids. Also, homeowners can also turn to energy batteries utilized for storing excess solar energy. This can allow a home to use only the solar-generated electricity by absorbing the stored energy overnight. And some modular homes can sell their excess solar energy back to the main grid. 

Moreover, modular homes normally use low-energy light bulbs including LEDs or CFLs which are more energy-efficient and durable. 

Having excellent insulation can lead to smaller energy bills. You may install cladding made of cost-effective and composite panels that can upgrade a home’s insulation notably or add in double glazed windows and doors. Aside from the ability to reduce energy consumption, they also enhance acoustics inside homes and minimize noise pollution. 

Reason #4: Water Efficiency 

This is also one of the reasons why self-sufficient modular homes are more eco-friendly. Installing solar-based water heating systems can decrease a household’s energy consumption for heating water, by providing homes with up to 90% of their hot water. 

Additionally, these homes are normally constructed with the purpose of reducing heat loss from pipes by categorizing together areas that require water including the bathroom and kitchen. This type of design means smaller water pipes and reduced heat loss. 

Reason #5: Wholesome Homes 

Modular homes are normally constructed to higher sustainable standards than regular housing, there’s a concentration on clean and green energy and using non-toxic or low VOC materials. Traditional homes include building and cleaning materials like PVC cement, refrigerator units, and certain plywoods carry Volatile Organic Compounds, which emits chemicals into the air and are perceived to have harmful health effects. 

Most modular homes today are constructed with entire or with eco-extras such as green or wildflower roofs ready to go. 

Reason #6: Modern Sustainable Materials 

Modular homes usually use the up to date in recycled building materials for internal walls, insulation, and roofs. Let’s take kit homes for example, which use certified timber and recycled materials for their internal and roof panels. High-quality insulation is the answer to energy efficiency, keeping you warm in winter an cool in summer, which also means that you will spend lesser energy in heating and cooling it. If you can find the greatest eco-friendly modular home companies, they usually use SIPS (Structural Insulating Panel System) for insulation. 

Modular homes today are at the forefront of eco-friendly architectural design from using bamboo floors and VOC-free paint to rainwater collection systems and homes that hit LEED silver, gold, or platinum standards.

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