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Posted By Emile Taylor on 06/15/2019

Nurturing creativity during early childhood.

Nurturing creativity during early childhood.

Creativity is an inherent and important part of childhood. Fostering children’s curiosity through art, music, play, and self-expression is crucial to their development.

How can this be accomplished? Through opportunities for creative play and creative thinking, without judgment. This begins with providing activities relevant to the child’s interests — and listening keenly to what they say. Children need the freedom to be curious, explore, and make mistakes — so they can learn through the process.

In order to foster the creative process, it’s important to encourage children to make choices and try out new hobbies. A variety of experiences, particularly multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and other community experiences aid in nurturing creativity within children.

Academics Prekindergarten, a group of education-based childcare centres in Canada and the United States, has a unique educational philosophy,  developing children’s extracurricular skills.

The school’s Academics EDGE curriculum offers a variety of educational programs for children belonging to various age groups, from 10 months to five and twelve years, setting the foundation for a successful future.

In addition to academic courses like math, science, reading, and writing, Academics Prekindergarten offers courses such as karate, piano, and other programs to support children’s confidence, cognitive and socio-emotional growth.

Academics Prekindergarten offers small group as well as private piano classes. The classes are taught by the school’s qualified piano teacher who’s certified to teach students how to play the piano.

Numerous studies have been undertaken to see if learning an instrument contributes to improving the overall developmental faculties in children, especially those which aid their academic training. A reputed study led in 1997 by two scientists, Dr. Frances Rauscher, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, and Dr. Gordon Shaw, a physician at the University of California, concluded that young children who play the piano or sing strengthen performance in school. Learning the piano also establishes a sense of discipline, essential to developing any skill.

Learning to play the piano involves the use of both right and left brain activity, which stimulates neural development and supports cognitive thinking. Moreover, playing the piano in a group setting helps children develop social skills.

The piano lessons at Academics Prekindergarten promote an environment that encourages the development of children’s natural creative abilities and helps to fine-tune their natural learning processes. Students learn how to follow instructions, stay focused and ach achieve goals.

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