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Posted By HEather MEade on 03/20/2018

Asteriods and the constant danger Earth is in…sorta

Theyre coming faster then we can travel, they could devastate Earth and we dont even know most of the ones out there. If you were reading the news about a month ago actually around the super bowl within one week two significant asteriods narrowly glided past Earth. The media was not alert until 48 hours of the first one and then they got wind of the second one with a week of passing.

This makes sense first off every year there are hundreds of asteriods that pose serious if not total damage to Earth if they struck. And they narrowly glide by. Some scienctists know about for years and some they learn of maybe a month before. We are lucky that we have mastered math enough to get a 99.9% projection path of each rock and we have been lucky that none have hit Earth.

But this brings up the point that first off the sky is big and Nasa and other space stations considerate luck if they actually find an astroid heading to earth early on. We really only maybe study 20% of the sky at a time and that leaves 80% of unknowns.

Russians in the last few days we able to destroy the first asteroid ever blast it in space. It was a small rock but it was a step in a direction to conqure the problem of unknow planet killers. Now remember the odd are rare for an earth killing asteroid to come out of no where and head our way without us know it until a week before. But they are sort of funny odds because even the odds are low there is the unknown factor of sky and space we just cant monitor.

Some beleive that a global killer is destined to hit Earth at some point but that again is not necessarily true given the fact that its not a natural event (like a volcano) that for certain will happen. Its possible yes but not inevitable. Still NASA has started working on a giant ship in preperation of an approching earth bound asteroid specifically one they beleive has a large change of inpact around the year 2135. Its not certain it will hit Earth but at this point NASA feels it need to be prepared.

Now if scientists discover a large earth killer on its way and we had a week. The public would either be notified via mainstream media 48 prior to impact or the public would not be to at all. Again these odds are much much slimmer then preppers and some would like us to beleive.

Asteriods are not Earths biggest danger currently and they may never be. So ease your mind and stop watching Armagedon.

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